Wow! What a bumper day for post! Stand by for lots of pics......... First to arrive was an Amazonian parcel
This book was conceived as a handbook for students and teachers and presents Albers unique ideas of experimentation. I shall find out what those are when I get to grips with the book!
The other book in the parcel was this exciting book by Kim Thittichai. I was going to buy it at one of the shows I am going to soon but decided to get it from Amazon as some suppliers have been selling out I believe. I also saved money!

Then, just after 1.00pm, the postman, sorry, lady, arrived with two lovely envelopes. First was the swaps from the MixedMediaATCs -Uk group on a theme of natural materials.
Becky made this lovely card from cork and a peacock feather.

This beautiful wooden card with pyrography and shell was made by Maz.
And this delicate dried flower lady was made by Jean. It is absolutely beautiful! (Sorry there's a little bit of glare from the holder).
The final goodie envelope came from Denise who has a blog here. I only met her a few days ago thro my DH's blog and look at this great selection of materials she has sent me

I shall have to have a sort out to make room for it all! Thank you so much Denise. You will be hearing from me.....
On a less happy note, we had a bit of a disturbed night last night. I had gone to bed, a bit late after 11 o'clock, and had only just got into bed when I heard one heck of a thump and rumble from next door. I shouted Stewart and threw a jumper over my pyjamas and we both went round to find that my dear neighbour, who is 95, had fallen in the kitchen and couldn't get up. Fortunately her neighbour on the other side has a key so we roused her and then rang for an ambulance and her daughter. G, my neighbour, is a lovely, independent lady with a very sunny disposition and it was very upsetting to see her slouched on the floor very distressed and confused. Stewart looked after her until the ambulance and her daughter arrived, which was within about 10 minutes at the most. Unfortunately G was in such a state that they decided to take her to hospital. Stewart has been to see her this afternoon as he is on shift up there and nothing is broken but she is still very confused so I don't know what the outcome will be. G has always been so independent and it will be awful for her if she can't carry on living on her own. I have her in my thoughts all the time at the moment and I am just so glad that we decided to investigate when we heard the bang.