We have been having very dull days in this part of the UK while other areas have been bathed in sunshine but today the sun finally broke through so DH and I went for a walk along the local canal. DH had heard that there were several families of swans on the canal so that was our quest for the afternoon. Fortunately, we hadn't been walking all that long before we came on the young family quietly feeding.

This pair had 4 cygnets and were only mildly interested in us, probably because we hadn't taken any food for them. It was a lovely warm, idyllic afternoon and while DH was busy framing and focussing his camera on the swans I clambered about in the hedgerow gathering these:

Fortunately I had taken a carrier bag along for the purpose as I had been inspired by Carolyn's recent dyeing experiments with blackberries. I managed to pick a couple of pounds of blackberries and while I was quietly gathering I was treated to a close encounter: ~

There were lots of dragonflies all along the canal this afternoon. I think they are absolutley beautiful creatures. Their wings make an amazing sound when they whirr past.

Not a bad collection of berries!
Once I got home I put the blackberries onto simmer for about 20 mins and then excitedly dropped in a selection of fabrics, lace and threads. That was when I got a big shock! As I lowered the fabric into the solution it turned first green and then a bluey grey! Not what I was expecting at all.

This is the fabric steeping in the liquid once it had been strained. As you can see it bears no resemblence to Carolyn's beautiful pinks and reds. I think I know what I've done. I had the great(?) idea of wetting the fabric with a soda solution before putting it in the pan. I don't think the blackberries or the aluminium saucepan liked the soda. Anyway, we shall see! I was disappointed to start with but there is time for the dye to work some more yet and if I do end up with shades of grey it will still be useful and maybe I could overdye it. Watch this space!