Friday, 30 November 2007
Sky Watch Friday

Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Busy Busy Busy
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Look Look Look!
Monday, 26 November 2007
Gifts from Grace
I've just got one more trade to finish off but I can't show you that till the recipient has received it.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Christmas Parade
We were just in time to catch the (small) parade which went thro town led by a Band of Pipers and the Bourne Borderers Morris Dancers.

Our Mayor and his Lady riding in the Land Train in the parade.

This is our Guildhall and also houses the theatre where we went to see Battlefield Band last night.

Of course no Christmas parade would be complete without Father Christmas!
My DH has done stirling work today painting the ceiling of my studio. Unfortunately, while I was out, he made himself giddy bending down and up again and had a bit of a funny turn so I stopped him when I got back from shopping. Poor owd thing! He's ok now, nothing can keep him from his blogging!
Post and Battlefield Band

This lovely card is from Helen

I love Amanda's use of hessian in this inventive card

This beautifully handstitched ATC came from Ula
I spent part of today in my lovely warm! studio (Hurray, the insulation is working!) but didn't get anything to a finish to show you. Tomorrow my dear DH is hopefully going to emulsion the ceiling and then I can put all my stuff back in. I'm really thrilled that I can now go out there and work without getting frozen to death or putting 15 layers on! It might cost a bit less on the leccy bill too :)
This evening we have been out to our local Arts Centre to see the Battlefield Band who hail from Scotland and who raised the roof! We were the final gig on their 2007 tour so I think they were feeling quite relaxed. It was a great night out! You can catch them here on Youtube. (Sorry I'm too tired to work out how to get the little screen on here)
Friday, 23 November 2007
Great Day Out

Sky Watch Friday
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Post and warmth
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Angels and cakes

Saturday continued
How many brushes does a girl need?!! We've moved everything out except for the main furniture and the stuff on the lower bookshelves. Actually, I was surprised that it only took DH and I an hour to move it all into the conservatory, which now looks like a bomb has hit it! I am going to have to have a proper sort out when I put it all back. In the course of moving everything I have found a leak through the walls so it's probably just as well that we have had to move everything. Hmmmm! The question is, how do we stop the water which seems to be seeping thro knots in the wood?
PS I am so pleased that, at last, blogger is enlarging my pics!