I didn't think I was going to have anything to say today but I have had a wonderful gift in today's post which I must share with you all. Over at MixedMediaATC_UK group on Yahoo we have a monthly lottery and one person drawn at randon wins all the ATCs entered on a particular theme for that month. This month's winner was Helen (drawn by my DH). Helen had announced earlier in the month that she had had a clear out in her studio and had an envelope full of goodies to give to the ATC voted the group's favourite. Guess What? It was me! I won the bag of goodies and look what was in it

I think I shall now have to have a clearout of my own to make room! Thank you so much Helen, you are so generous.
Not only that, but Helen sent me the ATC that she made for the September Lottery:

I have to apologise to Helen as the colours arn't quite right - the top band should be purple - I think my camera may have been set up incorrectly. I'll have to check it out.
This will be my last post for a while - we are going to be busy and I won't have a computer. Pleasure, not pain! All will be revealed, with photos, when I get back.