Sunday 23 September 2007

How much fun

can a person have in church? I have just spent a really great weekend on my knees in the chancel of Barrowby Church doing brass rubbings (well, not quite all weekend). Some kind soul gave me a hassock to kneel on and off I went. I had never done any brass rubbing before but it is really therapeutic, especially when accompanied by Josh Grogan on a CD, followed by an assortment of relaxing classics. Lovely.

I think these 3 figures on the right are angels.

This first rubbing that I did was unfortunately a bit pale as I didn't realise how hard I needed to "rub".

This lady's name is Margaret Deen.

These particular brasses lie under a carpet in the chancel of the church and are rarely seen as they are quite worn and have suffered considerable damage over the years. The more I've looked at these brasses the more detail I have seen. It seemed extremely strange to be looking so closely into the face of people who had lived and died centuries ago. I found the hands of the effigies particularly beautiful, the fingers all so slender. The hands in the top picture belong to the lady above and her cloak is held on by a thick cord. I made a larger rubbing today and I will blog that when I have scanned or photographed it. The gentleman above is probably looking so forlorn because this is not his lady.....I "rubbed" her today and will post her tomorrow. She wears a simple ermine trimmed gown so must have been a person of some standing.

The Art & Craft Fair was quite well attended and DH did well with his photos.

The children had been busy with their own crafts and had also, previously, painted a beautiful altar cloth.

These butterflies are wonderful. They are so colourful and so exhuberant, they really lifted my mood.

Something for the patchworkers.

No time for my own artwork today except for some stitching on the weaving. More of that later.

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