I've had a really great day out today! I went to an Open Day at the Husqvarna shop in Nottingham where Linda and Laura Kemshall were the guest speakers/demonstrators. I have seen the Kemshalls at several shows in the past but have never felt able to get near enough or have enough time to see their work properly so it was wonderful to have a whole day to listen to them and see their work.

The morning started with a slideshow and chat about their work and inspiration and about the importance of working ideas out in a sketchbook. I have to apologise for my photo above which has caught Laura as the amazing hidden woman! The assembled ladies then broke up to watch separate demonstrations by Laura and Linda, to have a good look at all the work and sketchbooks they had brought with them or to complete a small exercise which the Kemshalls had set up for us to try. All in all it was a very busy couple of hours and I don't think Laura or Linda stopped to eat, unlike the rest of us who enjoyed some very tasty homemade cakes!

Laura was kept very busy demonstrating some Free Machining and answering questions. while Linda demonstrated how she makes use of the Embellisher (needle felting) machine to create texture in some of her work. In the afternoon we had another slide show presentation while Laura described her process in completing her quilt Black Pearl which won the Quilters' Guild Challenge at this year's Festival of Quilts. She made one point which struck home with me and which may seem obvious but hadn't occurred to me. When starting to design for a competition which will be hung in a hall as big as the NEC Laura designs LARGE. She has a point. Design large and bold if you want to be noticed. I think I may have to have a rethink on my own plans for next year.
My enjoyment of the day was completed by a surprise encounter with some family friends who I hadn't seen for a couple of years. It's funny how small the world is sometimes, isn't it? These friends live about 40 minutes away from Nottingham but I had never expected to bump into them in a sewing shop at a demonstration. My friend has been making lace for years but I had forgotten that she also sews. An added bonus to the day and a chance for a quick catch up. I was their bridesmaid about 50 years ago! OMG I wish I hadn't written that now! I didn't know I was that old! lol