"Happy Birthday to you (me)
Squished bananas (squashed tomatoes) and stew
Bread and butter in the gutter
Happy birthday to you (me)"
My daughter's version of the children's birthday rhyme texted to me this morning!
I am mid way between two big birthdays today - all the fives, as they say in bingo. I had a very happy but chaotic half hour opening all my lovely presents this morning - excuse the crumpled bed! I have been very lucky and had some beautiful pressies including necklaces from my closest friends, daughter and Mum who were all in the same mind...funny how that happens isn't it? All the jewellery is different tho and I shall enjoy wearing each piece.
My DH has given me money to splurge at the Festival of Quilts in August - yummy - and he also had a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered after I got back from my art club.
I don't think there are any more surprises planned so we will just go out for a meal at a local hotel tonight and then round to Lynne and Richard's tomorrow (when I will wear Lynne's necklace!).
I have broken the back of sorting my shed out and have been painting washers ready for embossing - pic tomorrow probably. I have found out why you need to paint them hanging from a string and not flat - they stick to the paper as they dry and are prone to air bubbles. I'm not too bothered tho as I plan to emboss them so the imperfections will be covered up.
I was strolling through my various favourite blogs last night when I should have been at least sewing and found this instruction for making a simple book. (Hope I haven't upset Simmy by making the link (sorry) her blog is fascinating!) and am going to have a go as there are so many beautiful handmade books around. In the meantime the pic below is of my (poor) effort which merely decorated the cover of the journal I took on a recent holiday of St Ives. I do love the colours and the textures tho, I was thinking of the sea and the rocks as I did it.
Talking of St Ives I thought you might like a piccy of that too - well I do and it IS my birthday lol

(sorry blogger won't enlarge some of these pix)
On the subject of texting, which I was earlier, try as I might this morning I could not get my phone to part with a photo text I was trying to send to DD! I went thro endless hoops to send it and all it would do was keep dumping it in the outbox. I give up! I did eventually get 2 messages saying the send had failed - duh, I knew that already....... Anyway, the said pic of birthday chaos is above.
Oh, and DH is silent, peace reigns in the house! He cannot put Harry Potter down! My turn next. (Sorry I'll stop rambling now)!