I have just discovered that I haven't even mentioned the Take it Further Challenge this month although I have had it floating round in my mind all month. Sharon said at the beginning of the month "This reminded me once again of just how lucky we are to have a ’stash’. Most fiber folks have them. We draw on our stashes to make items or add to projects. They are either purchased or scavenged materials that have accumulated over time and as such they often have a story to tell. Or it is possibly more correct to say that stashes are full of stories. The interesting thing for textile practitoners is that these materials can take on another story. They can be made into something new and take on other meanings in someones life.
Stashes also act as signifiers of wealth. Not only is the obvious wealth of what the stash actually costs to have and house but there is the psychological wealth of a stash because a stash is full of possibilities. While material is uncut it is rich with possible uses. Once you have committed to using it the material moves from being something that is full of potential to a project. So this month the idea to think about is stories that are and stories that are possible."
Stashes also act as signifiers of wealth. Not only is the obvious wealth of what the stash actually costs to have and house but there is the psychological wealth of a stash because a stash is full of possibilities. While material is uncut it is rich with possible uses. Once you have committed to using it the material moves from being something that is full of potential to a project. So this month the idea to think about is stories that are and stories that are possible."
I have at least two stashes. One is my painting stash which mostly resides in my shed/studio and gets a bit lonely at the moment. The other is my rapidly growing fabric/fibre stash which has somehow managed to install itself in our bedroom!

I have pulled a few fabrics artfully out of the drawers to hint at the treasures within. This collection of excitements has gradually grown over the last few years. Some of it bought excitedly at Shows, some bought from new found friends across the other side of the world through the magic of the internet, some gifted by other new friends met in the great cyber world that we seem to have been drawn into and which has enriched my life over the last year, some shared with my good friend Anne who I share my local art adventures with and some bought from charity (thrift) shops or the local Scrapstore which recycles all manner of donated goods.
You may remember some time ago that I bought these fabrics from the Scrapstore at Newark. Recently I had another visit and was tempted by some more of these fabric sample books.
When my Mum came to stay last week she had treated herself to a new camera which unfortunately does not fit her old camera case. Soooooo, I've made her a camera case from a fabric sample and lined it with some lovely satiny material from a dress I picked up for £2 in a sale. The cord came from my stash from a birthday gift bag and I think the button is new. I'm hoping my Mum will enjoy using the pouch and remember me when she takes her camera out.
Everything I have made and shown here on my blog has come from my stash and has its own story to tell, sometimes of joy over a technique learned and sometimes of the struggle of trying to solve a problem. I love that I have started on this wonderful journey and I know that my stash has many more stories to lead me on and reveal to me.
You will notice after tonight that I am conspicuous by my absence. I am going on what is known as a blogging break so I'll miss you all and see you at the end of next week. Take care of yourselves. Xxx