Thursday, 7 February 2008

Take it (a bit) Further

I am still mulling over ideas for this month's challenge and have been turning out cupboards trying to find some letters that my Nan sent me so that I can use part of one in a collage. So far the letters are eluding me but in the course of looking I came across these

These small cards were given away with cigarettes and many people collected them, including my uncles, when I was growing up. Many different sets were issued covering every subject imaginable. As you can see from the ones I found they were mostly painted images. Each card carries a description and information about the image on the card. Several of the cards I found have got household hints on them dating from maybe the 50/60's so I think they will be ideal for this project.
Talking of things from the past, My friend Grace was doing some sorting out earlier this week and found a couple of gadgets that she thought I might find useful.

This posymaker, complete with instructions, was given away with Woman magazine in 1973 and, while I may not make posies, I am sure I can find a use for it. The templates can be used for almost any design project.

I think that this gadget is for making punched images but I have not seen anything like this before. Apparently you could buy pre-printed designs to work with. I'm not sure that I will be able to use this gadget but, who knows?


artisbliss said...

Wow, what great ephemera! Those cigarette papers are out of this world! And the fact you got them from a family member--how cool is that!

I think the punching tool at the bottom is for making a punched rug or hanging. I did some of that in my teens, a very dim memory now indeed.

Mrs Moog said...

Those cigarette cards really take me back. My grandad had albums full of them !
Your crafty objects look really interesting and I seem to remember those punched pictures too.


sharon young said...

HI Julie
What a great collection you have there and a super start for the TIF challenge. Maybe too much though, how will you know where to start?

Kate North said...

The posy maker would be great for sunprinting, I bet. That is, when you get any sun up there... Love those cigarette cards, too - ephemera is great fun, isn't it!