You may remember I spoke here about not making a New Year's resolution but instead choosing a word (or two) to enable me in 2008. I have been giving this quite a bit of thought (mostly when I have been trying to get to sleep at night!) over the past few days and I seem to have three words which I cannot choose between and which I think are inter-dependent. The words are "focus", "growth" and "balance". I definitely feel I need to focus in many parts of my life but most particularly in my creative life, especially as I have committed to the Take it Further Challenge (link in my right hand bar). The balance comes in finding the right amounts of time to split between everyday life, blogging and creating. (Hmmm, how did creating get to be last in that list? Budge that back up to the front!) I think that if I can get the balance and the focus right then growth will follow. I waste quite a lot of time in displacement activities so focus should help me to use my time more successfully. Of course, none of that can start properly until my Mum has moved on to my brother's on Thursday and I have cleared away the chaos of Christmas and brought back the chaos of art! How does my ever patient DH put up with me? I haven't a clue. He even lets me have control of the remote!
On a quick lighter note, I thought a few of you might like to see me and my friends enjoying ourselves last night
I think Mungo and I must have been concentrating on something my friend Lynne was saying but Maud looks comfy, smiling nicely for the camera.

Smile please!!
I think Mungo was a bit worried I was gripping his leg a bit hard. Sorry Mungo!
I like your friends..LOL You are funny! I am enjoying reading your blog!!
I like your 3 words - not sure which I'd put first either! Blogging does take time doesn't it? It sometimes takes the place of creating/working for me so I suppose it's my displacement activity and I do try and limit myself. Once you start though, a couple of hours have flown past without you realising it. I enjoy reading your blog and have put you in my faves list which I check quite often. I don't always comment but am still here! lol x
I like the photos Julie - Mungo and Maud have almost got their own blog!
Think they are three good words - it's interseting that we have both chosen balance - must be something to do with the way we are all juggling too many things.
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