Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Another Little Day Trip
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Ruby Dolls
Sunday, 26 April 2009
It's official! Summer's here!





I tried to take photos today that showed potential for transferring to textile design and looked for contrasts of shape and texture. Who knows where these images may turn up? Maybe in a Journal Quilt? We will be going back to Naturescape next month or in June to see the wildflower meadows which should be in full flower and to see the dragonflies that will be flying over this pond. What a lovely way to spend a sunny morning! Not forgetting the very yummy homemade cake that was sampled with a cup of tea in the Tea Room!
Moulton Mill and Mill Quilters
This is the amazing mill that the quilt exhibition was held in this weekend. The mill is the tallest mill in the country and provided a fitting setting for the beautiful quilts on display.
The quilts above are displayed in the modern extension to the mill, the outside wall of which you can see at the back of this photograph.
The photos above and below were taken in the windmill itself. The bags which you can see on the staircase in the photo below arepart of a bag raffle. I had never seen the method used before. Each of the bags carries a number and the idea is that you buy raffle tickets and then put them into pockets carrying the number of the bag you would like to win. You can just see the numbers 1 to 4 which are the top of the pocket board in the photo. I've not had a phone call yet so I don't think I've won anything ;o(
The exhibition was very busy while we were there and I'm sure that has continued today. I have to apologise that I didn't get this blogged yesterday but we were out for a meal with friends in the evening and I didn't have time to blog.
Needless to say there was a certain amount of selling going on at the exhibition including a stall run by the very friendly ladies of Top Stitch Fabrics of Wisbech (no affiliation). They had some very tempting fabrics with them but I was fairly good and only bought one fat quarter, a couple of offcuts of velvety fabric and some handsewing threads. (Oops, no pics) I did spend some money on another stall which had trims for 10p a metre and buttons for 1p each! Excellent for us but sad for the lady who was retiring and selling her stock. (Oops! no pics again!)
Friday, 24 April 2009
Harrogate and Happy Post
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Saturday, 18 April 2009
PS I am actually cringing at having to admit to this unholy mess! Embarrassed squirming going on here! lol
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Ooops! How did that happen......again!
3 silk dupion fat quarters and one fat eighth
1 duchesse silk fat quarter and one fat eighth
Fat eighths of silk habotai and silk satin
and various smaller pieces including a crushed and plain silk taffeta, silk crepe, velvet, brocade, silk organza and that fabulous two tone Imperial duchesse silk.
Your Natural pack contained:
5 silk fat quarters
1 cotton net fat quarter
Fat eighths of georgette,silk chiffon and linens
and a few more silk pieces.