Friday, 13 February 2009

Busy Dilly

My dear friend Dilly has been busy again and she and her mummy, Helena, have sent me a gorgeous parcel which arrived here today on a lovely sunny Lincolnshire day. You can do no better than to read Dilly's own explanation by enlarging the photo above. Dilly has such a wonderful way with words. Fnarr!
I am absolutely delighted with the wonderful concertina book which Helena has made and in which she has included some of the papers I sent her. It is really lovely to see some of the papers I made embellished and incorporated into Helena's work.
What you may not be able to see from the photos is the lovely textures of the papers.

The other book in the parcel is a notebook which I will enjoy using which Helena has covered with some paper that I made a while ago. I was supposed to make the paper into a pendant but I never took it that far (sorry to my Fiber Art Trader friends!).
Thank you Helena and Pwincess Dilly for my beautiful parcel. I will have a lovely time using the notebook for all my art ideas and I will be able to think of Dilly every time I use it. :o) The concertina book is going to sit on my cabinet for a while so that I can enjoy it. It's too lovely to put in a drawer!
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1 comment:

Mrs Mac said...

WOW! You could make that into a pendant???!!! WOW! I'd have liked to see that!

You are very welcome. I'm so very grateful for the papers and bits and pieces you sent. It's encouraged me to buy some gloopy paint and have a go at making papers myself. This will save me some pennies as I won't have to buy papers from the crafts shops. Even online, with discounts, it can still add up. And there is always something else to put into the basket! I get a good feeling from making something with hand made stuff too :)

Interesting to see Dilly's letter- I hadn't actually seen it because she was so enthusiastic to get it into the envelope and sent :)

DIlly says "Mweah!"

Hope it warms up in Yorkshire for you next week :)