Having read so many wonderful blogs I thought it was time I started one of my own. I can't promise to blog everyday but I will be using the blog to give me a view of where my artwork is taking me.
I have been painting since the late 80's and enjoy painting in watercolour and oils but over the last couple of years I have been experimenting with mixed media and textiles. I love nothing better than to play with inks, paper, textiles, yarns, paints, stamps, and so on and currently have more samples and works in progress than finished works.
Most recently I have discovered the joys of stitch and have been following the Bead Journal Project 2007. I was too late to join officially but I am working alongside to try and complete a piece of work each month. I'll try and post a pic of my effort for June shortly. Meanwhile here's my first pic - a painting I did recently. (Not sure why but it's appeared at the top of the post). Yippee!! At least I've managed to get it loaded! And here's a watercolour that has recently been selected for the Leisure Painter Magazine Annual Exhibition: oops! That one's gone to the top too!